Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 3: The Day I was High on DayQuil

Dear Diary-

Note #1: Yesterday, I realized I had been here before. Not DC, but Virginia. I am not far from where Mike Burns lived and I went to his house once on our way to Miami. I remembered this because I saw the NRA headquarters and he lived by those.

Note #2: I have been taking DayQuil every four hours.
This is how it works:
Hour 1- extremely drowsy
Hours 2&3- high
Hour 4- normal
repeat...all day

I woke up about 8am this morning, ate breakfast without incident, and returned to the room. I took my DayQuil and fell asleep for a little bit. Then, I forced myself to wake up, get dressed, and get the hell outta the hotel.

We drove to DC and drove by the Pentagon. I think we were by the part that got hit by a plane because the windows looked new, but I could just be fabricating. We continued to drive around DC, and drove through some areas that looked like we would live in them if we lived in DC (i.e. a little sketchy). Sarah and Cara were attending a concert at the Black Cat on this night so we parked across the street from there and walked to Metro and took a train towards the American History Museum or whatever its called.

While we were walking around, I saw some of the best t-shirts I have ever seen. One had Obama, a lion, and MLK, and it said something but just the picture is funny enough for me. The next best was a pink shirt with the saying "Behind every great man is a great woman," and it has a picture of Obama and a bunch of Black ladies behind him including Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, etc.

So, we walked by the IRS, took some pictures of the Capitol, saw some other important buildings. Eventually we made it to the museum, we entered and went straight toward the first lady exhibit. There was a little wait, but not too bad. They had Martha Washington, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Jackie Kennedy dresses among others. Then we saw an exhibit about a house and all the different people that lived in it. Then we went through an exhibit that seemed to be about presidents dying in office or at least that's all i got out of it. McKinley was assassinated, that's what I learned.

After the museum, we walked across the National Mall and over to the MSNBC booth. Now, if you don't know, MSNBC is akin to the Bible in our house. It's always on the tv. Always. Anyways, I was high off the DayQuil at this part of the day, so I stood in a big crowd of people screaming and calling people they know to say things, such as "I'm waving an orange hat! Turn on MSNBC! Do you see the orange hat?" or "I'm wavin' my hand! Do you see my hand?" And then get off the phone convinced that the people they called saw them even though they were about 10 people back. Made me laugh. I had to keep my eye on Sarah the whole time because I didn't have a cell phone and if I got lost I was gonna have to spend the night at the MSNBC booth.

Anyways, we may have been on camera, but we (and by this I mean Sarah) were really trying to get a sign. Eventually we moved over to the side because they seemed to be giving out more signs over there. Then, Keith Olbermann came on the MSNBC set and Sarah and Cara wet their pants and yelled and screamed and took pictures. Then, we got our signs and decided to go over by where they came out of their booth to try and meet people. We saw Keith Olbermann come out and everyone screamed. Then we saw Chris Matthews and Sarah screamed "I hate you, Chris Matthews." And then to ourselves, Cara said, "So what's up with the vertigo, Keith Olbermann?" Sarah said, "Hey, what's up with the botox, Chris Matthews" and the security guard standing in front of us laughed.

We stood there for awhile seeing who was coming in and coming out. At one point, a man butted his way in front of me, and I thought "What the fuck? Just cuz you have a nice coat means that you can go in front of me?" And then I noticed the man behind him had a thingy in his ear, so the guy that pushed me must be important. And then I saw the guy's face and it was Dick Durbin! My own senator pushed me! And then the three of us realized it at the same time and all said' "Dick Durbin!" And he said, "Hey!" And then he went and got heavily make-upped and then went on MSNBC. Cara disappeared and went around the back to where everyone leaves. She was able to get Dick Durbin's autograph on her Obama sign.

We stood there a little while longer, heard Al Sharpton was on his way, waited around more for Keith Olbermann, and then left and walked towards the Metro. We went back to the area where we parked which is called DuPont Circle or U Street corridor. It was about 4 o'clock and I was in the normal hour. We all hadn't eaten since breakfast so we decided to get some food. We walked to a bunch of restaurants, but apparently we were there an hour before any of them started serving dinner. Cara yelped some places and there was one around the block that was open. The sidewalk was super crowded, so we decided to walk in the street. We were walking and all of a sudden I looked down and saw money. I tried to grab it once and almost got run over by a car. On the second time, I got it. And it was $20! God does love me.

Anyways, that place we walked to was having some sort of poetry reading and was filled to capacity, so we couldn't eat there. I saw a place called Martha's Table up the block so we started in that direction. As we got closer, it appeared that Martha's Table was, in fact, a soup kitchen. I was tempted to eat there, but no one else was into it, so we continued. We eventually ate at a place called Chix. They had chicken. I ate it with green beans and noodles n' cheese. There was a large group of middle-aged ladies in front of us, and they moved like turtles. It took us at least 20 minutes to order and then at least another 20 to get our food, but it was good. I took DayQuil when we got there, so I was very tired and by the time we left I was high again.

When we finished eating, we stopped and got coffee and then headed back to the car. Cara and Sarah were attending a concert that I was not, but they still had time before the concert. We decided to spend this time driving by Hillary Clinton's house. We turned down her dead end block and saw a secret service guy in a parked black car at one end of the block. We still continued further, but it looked like people (probably secret service) were standing in the middle of the street in front of her house. At this point, we turned around. If we didn't have secret service or FBI profiles before, we probably do now. However, this probably won't stop us from going back.

Then it was time for Cara and Sarah to go to the concert at the Black Cat. I dropped them off and started my adventure back to the hotel. I thought I knew my way, but the thing about DC is when you think your going the right way they turn that street into a one way street going the way you don't want to go. I drove down different streets for probably about 15 minutes, ended up by the Kennedy Center, and ended up on some street similar to a highway. I thought I was going the wrong way, so I got off on some scary street that looked like it was from a horror movie. Oh, and by the way, did I mention I don't have a cell phone so I have no way to get help if I get lost or get a flat tire or in a crash. That only helped my anxiety. Anyways, I follow this horror movie street and guess where I end up...Hillary Clinton's house! I didn't drive by again cuz I turned the wrong way. I pulled over and figured out how to get back to the hotel. I had to go back down the scary, death street and get on going the way I came, back to the Kennedy Center, and on 66. Then, there immediately was a sign for 50-West, which I knew I shouldn't get on, but I did. Moral of the story: I took the long, scenic route home.

I was home for about 2 hrs, took a nap, and then headed back to get Cara and Sarah. I only got a little lost, but I figured it out within 10 minutes, and I eventually made it to them. They closed the bridges as I was crossing them, so Sarah and Cara thought I wasn't gonna be able to get in. But I did and then Sarah drove home because I was too anxious. We made it back safe and I went to sleep.

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